We are pleased to announce we received a new Acoustic Doppler wave and current profiler, the Signature500, from one of the world's leading producers of instruments for marine scientific research – the Norwegian company Nortek. It is worth noting that such equipment has been imported into Kazakhstan for the first time.
The Signature500 profiler allows for continuous monitoring of sea current speed and direction throughout the entire water column at depths of up to 300 meters, as well as it enables measurements of wave climate at depths of up to 70 meters, continuously for one and a half years.
In the near future, the Signature500 profiler will be installed at our aquaculture site on the seabed as an autonomous buoy station, along with an acoustic release for data collection.
The 24/7 marine monitoring results will provide initial data necessary for extrapolating and modeling hydrological parameters, and will contribute to the design of our cage farm, taking into account the extreme conditions in the Caspian Sea.